Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati

Backpack Safety

Imagine leaving for work every day carrying a couple of 10-pound bags of sugar or flour strapped to your back. You wouldn’t think of doing that, would you? Yet, every day, we send our children to school with the equivalent of that on their backs, or, more likely, flung over one shoulder. It’s called a backpack, and every school child carries one every day.

More than 40 million teens carry a backpack every day, often lifting and hauling 30 to 40 pounds of books and other items around with them.

It’s no wonder that backpack-related injuries are on the rise. A heavily loaded backpack, especially when worn improperly, puts kids off balance, promotes poor posture, causes numbness and muscle soreness, increases low back and shoulder pain, and could threaten spinal development.

It’s important that your child carry no more than 10 to 15% of their body weight in a backpack.
Here are some tips:

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